The Principles:

You own your attention and can store it wherever you wish.

You can securely move your attention wherever you want whenever you want to.

You can pay attention to whomever you wish and receive value in return.

You can see exactly how your attention is being used.

What a concept!

Is anybody questions PoMo?

New Bill of Rights

Visual economy is here!

... read POV

... and TECH

"Montage of Attractions" (Eisenstein) and WEB -- I have give it a thought! how to make notes/captions for visuals -- film-north -- BM => => =>

new: ? to make?

pomo film theory - Film600


web : 2007

web2 ( > ...
... web-video -- film


Slideshow transcript

Slide 1: Communicating on the Read-Write Web Shel Holtz, ABC PRSA Inland Empire 

Slide 2: Truths 

Slide 3: New media do not kill old media. 

Slide 4: The audience controls the message. 

Slide 5: Numbers don¡¦t matter. 

Slide 6: The long tail
 "We sold more books today that didn't sell at all yesterday than we sold today of all the books that did sell yesterday."

Slide 7: Institutions must engage in the conversation. 

Slide 8: Institutions must cede control of the message in order to participate in the conversation. 

Slide 9: Low barriers to entry + Pervasive access + Growing broadband The Net's original promise = 

Slide 10: Whom do we trust? 

Slide 11: The Net's original promise + Shifts in trust + Demands for transparency Profound change = 

Slide 12: Th e Era of Social Com puting The social structure in which technology puts power in communities, not institutions 

Slide 13: Communication Choices 

Slide 14: Consumer Generated Content 

Slide 16: technorati? 
1.6 million posts per day (18.6 per second)
175,000 new blogs every day (2 every second) 
Similar growth in other social media 

Slide 18: Positive Citizen Marketing 

Slide 19: Negative Citizen Marketing 

Slide 20: Participating in the Conversation 

Slide 26: Attack of the blogs! (and podcasts and wikis) 

Slide 27: A Response Matrix : Do nothing 

Slide 29: A Response Matrix : Do nothing : Respond on initiating vehicle 

Slide 32: A Response Matrix : Do nothing : Respond on initiating vehicle
Respond on your blog 

Slide 34: A Re s pons e Ma trix : Do nothing : Respond on initiating vehicle :
Respond on your blog
Respond traditionally 

Slide 35: Starting the Conversation 

Slide 37: Let's go to a tea party 

Slide 38: Open Source Marketing 

Slide 40: A Review of Social Media Tools 

Slide 41: RSS : Make your content available :
Subscribe to content you want :
 Infrastructure :
 An attention device :
 Increasing adoption 

Slide 43: Blogs : Journals 
 Authentic human voices 
Targeted focus 
 Designed for conversation 

Slide 45: Podcasts -- Niche audio programming 
Subscribe : Listen while doing something else
Listen while away from the computer 
Build community 

Slide 49: Wikis Collaborative, editable web pages
Monitor your entries (e.g., Wikipedia) 
Give audiences a voice 

Slide 51: Social Networks : People find each other
Be part of the networks
Examples: LinkedIn
Second Life 

Slide 54: Tagging & Edge Content
Make yourself findable
Contribute to the folksonomy
Examples: Flickr

Slide 56: The New Media News Release
Rehabilitate the newsless news release
Fast access to usable content
Leverage all campaign-related assets
Encourage engagement and sharing
Serve media-enabled & niche audiences 

Slide 60: The New Media News Release
What you can do right now - 
Tags, links and assets
Post and distribute 

Slide 61: Conversation : Shel Holtz, ABC Podcast: 

Comment Line: +1 206 222 2803
Phone: 415.367.3820 to my podcast * Email: 

and watch my videocast 

This document is protected under a C reative C ommons Attribution-NonC ommercial-NoDerivs license. 
No commercial use, no changes. 

But feel free to share it, post it, print it, or copy it. 
Original cartoons by Hugh MacLeod (

-- hyperlinks ?!